The new year as we all know comes with a barrage of new year resolutions and contents of healthier living, exercising, dieting, joining a Zumba class or even considering yoga, but what many may not know is that it happens to be the best time to reorganize, rearrange and redecorate your home giving it ‘the out with the old and in with the new’ vibe. Body goals may be the rage, but sustainable home designs are the future, with the arising awareness of climate change and sustainable living, it is our responsibility as designers to educate our readers to more Eco-friendly home trends. Here are some to consider: “EVEN HOMES DESERVE TO BE HEALTHY“
Waterbased Paints
Paint is an important aspect of design and sets the mood of a room. It can also make a space look big, small, cool or warm and can even invoke hunger.
However were you aware that some paints contain harmful chemicals such as solvents and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)? These chemicals evaporate into the air when the paint dries and that is the strong odour that one perceives after a room has been freshly painted. We therefore recommend water based paints which are more eco-friendly and are not heavily coated with chemicals.
Many popular brands in Nigeria such as Dulux, Sherwin Williams, Behr and many others sell water based paints and all you have to do is to request for a ‘Low VOC’ or ‘Low Odour Paint from your supplier.
- Annual award for architecture work.
- Professional design approved by stakeholders.
- Fast software and modeling for reality interior design.
- True activated software and modeling for reality engineering.
- Drawing software and modeling for reality engineering.
- True activated software and modeling for reality engineering.
In-House Green Planting
Do you have memories of when you were a child and you would come home and the first thing you wanted to do was to see if the plants that your parents kept in the Living room had grown more or changed in appearance or that the beans plant project you brought from school had started sprouting?

Well indoor planting is trending more so than ever and because people want to eat healthier, they are growing their own fruit & veg in their backyard. It is acknowledged today because of the many benefits it provides such as food Security, photosynthesis and boosting the eco-system.
At one of the design exhibitions that we participated in titled ‘Design and Food Security’, we incorporated into our residential design a planting system growing food and vegetables without the use of soil. The method called Hydroponic only uses artificial light, water and nutrients. The plant roots are suspended in a well oxygenated solution which consists of water, oxygen, nutrients and substrate which is the support system used to hold the plant consisting of wool, rock, clay etc. This innovation allows many interior architects/designers to refine gardening and indoor planting within any type of space, be it commercial or residential.
- Annual award for architecture work.
- Professional design approved by stakeholders.
- Fast software and modeling for reality interior design.
- True activated software and modeling for reality engineering.
- Drawing software and modeling for reality engineering.
- True activated software and modeling for reality engineering.

Led Lights
LED (Light Emitting Diode) lights are a more sustainable option to yellow bulbs, they do not contain any toxic elements and save a lot of energy. Less energy used, reduces the demand from power plants and reduces greenhouse emission. They are also known to have a longer life span. So you are not just saving energy you are also saving money. That is a WIN WIN!
Recycle! Recycle! Recycle!
Recycling has been one of the more popular sustainable trends of the 2000s. It puts a spin on a popular quote “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure” and even with the beginning of the new decade, it still remains the world’s most renowned sustainable trends. Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials.

From recycling old tyres to coffee tables, loud speakers and centre tables to using off cuts of colorful African prints (Ankara) to create beautiful tote bags, quilts, throw pillows and sofas like the beautiful image below. Recycling has reduced the amount of waste that is permeating our planet, has slowed down the spread of harmful emissions, saved the lives of many animals and created a new wave of up-cycle entrepreneurs. Recycle culture is definitely a trend that will transcend strongly into this new decade.
Council are celebrating the incredible achievement of the Companies and Stakeholders. Due to BIM’s fast invasion in all over the world specially in the North America Region, we are one of the top 10 nominated Consultants for Council Architectural/Design Practice of the Year Award. Model Council are celebrating the incredible achievement of these Companies and Stakeholders. Due to fast invasion in the North America Region, we are one of the top 10 nominated Consultants for Council design, modeling, development of Architectural/Engineering services to gain the reserved, updated, concrete and professional to target the top Practice of the Year Award.
The Council are celebrating the incredible achievement of the Companies and Stakeholders. Due to BIM’s fast invasion in the North America Region, we are proudly with our professional and innovative teams one of the top 10 nominated Consultants for Council Architectural/Design services to gain the reserved Practice of the Year Award on top of MEED organization.
Council are celebrating the incredible achievement of the Companies and Stakeholders. Due to BIM’s fast invasion in the North America Region, we are one of the top 10 nominated Consultants for Council Architectural/Design Practice of the Year Award. Council are celebrating the incredible achievement of the Companies and Stakeholders. Due to BIM’s fast invasion in the North America Region, we are one of the top 10 nominated Consultants for Council Architectural/Design Practice of the Year Award and providing the team creativity innovation management.

- The annual awarded prize for best interior furniture design of creative texture and architecture point if view.
- Council are celebrating the incredible achievement of the Companies and Stakeholders.
- Due to BIM’s fast invasion in the North America Region, we are one of the top 10 nominated.
- Consultants for Council Architectural/Design Practice of the Year Award.
Council are celebrating the incredible achievement of the Companies and Stakeholders. Due to BIM’s fast invasion in the North America Region, we are one of the top 10 nominated Consultants for Council Architectural/Design Practice of the Year Award. Council are celebrating the incredible achievement of the Companies and Stakeholders. Due to BIM’s fast invasion in the North America Region, we are one of the top 10 nominated Consultants for Council Architectural/Design Practice of the Year Award.
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